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our lead Priest

My Church is One Big Happy Family

James Hall is a man that has a great love for the young and established. He strives to make meaningful relationships with those he encounters daily and is motivated to build God’s Kingdom through the teaching and preaching of His Word.

James Hall is the senior pastor of the First Pentecostal Church of Austin and has been pastoring for more than two years. God has given him the unique ability to lead others through the ministry of service. With over twenty-eight years of educational and administrative experience, Pastor Hall has dedicated his life to raising the achievement levels of all students, including economically disadvantaged, special education, at-risk, and English Language Learners (ELLs). God has blessed him with the distinctive ability to teach and preach the unadulterated Word of God in the 21st century.

Pastor Hall began to fill the massive shoes after being the successor of his powerful mother, Suffragan Bishop Ruby Faye Curely Hall. His strong desire to build community within the church and a compassionate outlook has allowed him to reach many people from various walks of life throughout his 30 years of ministry. He has served in almost every capacity within the church. With God’s grace, the First Pentecostal Church of Austin is growing spiritually and numerically under his leadership.

Preaching the unadulterated word of God confidently and passionately, the humble servant of God strives in prayer, word, and deed to help those in need physically and spiritually. The godly call on his life and the wealth of saintly wisdom concerning the spiritual man has strengthened his integrity and humility.

Pastor Hall received his Bachelor of Arts from Huston-Tillotson University in Business Administration in 1993 and his Master of Education Administration in 2008 from Concordia University. He is a businessman, teacher, assistant principal, and musician. He became an ordained Elder in the Texas State Council of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW) in 2004.

He is married to Lady Regina Hall and fathers their son, Jeffrey Jaylon Hall.

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